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Logistics Made Easy.
We Are Moovit.

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Moovit Logistics.
Solutions for Business.

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We Are Moovit.
Your Logistics Provider.

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Air Freight.

Ocean Freight.

Land Express.

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24 / 7 Support Line: + (123) 1800-567-8990

Our Location

USA, New York - 1060 Str. First Avenue 1

We give you control of your shipments.

Moovit invest time and expertise to fully understand your business before designing plans to improve your supply chain. We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control the flow of goods under our charge.
Delivered packages


Delivered packages.

We strongly support best practice sharing across our operations around the world and across various industrial sectors.
Counries covered


Countries covered.

As one of the world’s leading supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions.
Tons of goods


Tons of goods.

Our commitment to sustainability helps us reduce waste and share the benefits with our customers.
Logistic Solutions for Business to solve any delivery problems
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man with boxman with box

Logistics Solutions to Help Businesses from End to End.

Moovit invest time and expertise to fully understand your business before designing plans to improve your supply chain. We take responsibility for the performance of all our suppliers and for ensuring the availability of resources and equipment needed to control the flow of goods under our charge.


"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

Optimizing logistics chain from A to Z to increase your business competitiveness.

Get a Quote for Your Business
Air Freight
Ocean Freight
Railway Freight

Plastic Bottle Producer—Trailer Shuttle/Spotting Service.

The producer’s in house carrier was providing the shuttle service with their over-the-road drivers. Trailers were...


Auto Supplier—Freight Management Solution.

The supplier was being challenged to reduce LTL, truckload and expedite costs. They wanted one point of...


Steel Wire Producer— Consistent Pick-up/Deliveries.

The producer was experiencing late pickup and deliveries from their current transportation provider...

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